Monday, October 18, 2010

Apple Walnut Banana Muffins

These muffins... wow. Just wow. They have a strong resemblance to Marry Poppins- Practically Perfect in Every Way.
I whipped these muffins up early Sunday Morning before church. I brought these muffins to a small lunch gathering through my foreign exchange student's program. They were immediately descended upon by both kinds and adults. Thankfully there were three left over when we were ready to go. Using the excuse of needing to photograph the muffins for my blog, I eagerly brought the remains home with me in a doggy bag.
Okay, so maybe I just wanted the left overs. That's how good these were.
They perfectly represent fall with favors of apple and crunchy walnut and get me anticipated for next weeks haunted house!

Apple Walnut Muffins
adapted from: Mouthful of Temptation

3 ripe bananas, smashed
1/3 cup plus a tablespoon of melted butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
pinch of nutmeg
2 small apples
1 cup chopped walnuts


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

1. In a large mixing bowl, smash bananas and mix with butter. Add the sugars, eggs and vanilla. Mix with a whisk until everything is fully incorporated.
2. Mix in the baking soda, flour, and spices.
3. Peel the apples and cut into tiny squares. Fold in the apples and the walnuts.
4. Line a muffin pan with baking cups. Fill the cups completely full with batter, but don't overflow them.
5. Put in oven and bake for around 25 minutes, until a toothpick is inserted into the middle of the cupcakes and comes out clean.
6. Let cool for 20 minutes, one batch makes around 13 cupcakes.
