Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fudge Rice Krispy Heaven

What's easier than raising money for the American Cancer Society when you have fudgy treats to pass out? Absolutely nothing. I just discovered I must raise $100 to participate in the Relay For Life walk against cancer, but at the end of today, my little can was rattling with almost $50! All thanks you these treats, which are even more magically delicious than lucky charms!
With only two weeks left until final exams, my life has been busier and more stressful than ever. Thank god for chocolate.
Yes, I will hit the gym... eventually ;)
Anyways, these are a bit of a mess, but a mess with LOT'S of opportunity to lick the spoon. When you're feeling a little stressed and life gets real crazy, just get some marshmallows and Rice Krispies, and indulge yourself in some well deserved chill time.

My friend Andrew even described them as "absolutely luscious". He's legit.

Rice Krispy Bars:
Line a 9 X 12 inch pan with wax parchment paper. grease parchment paper lightly. This ensure the treats will have easy removal.

4 Table Spoons Butter
1 Package Regular Marshmallows
6 Cups of Rice Krispy Cereal

Make the Rice Krispies!
1. In a large saucepan over low heat, melt the butter. Add the marshmallows and allow to melt completely, stirring occasionally so they don't brown.
2. When marshmallows are liquidy and completely melted, add the 6 cups of Rice Krispies and Stir until mixed evenly throughout.
3. Spread evenly in prepared pan

Fudge Topping:

2 Table Spoons Butter
2/3 cups evaporated milk
1 2/3 cups Sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 Cups mini marshmallows
1 3/4 Cup Chocolate chips
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Make the Fudge!
1. Mix butter, sugar, evaporated milk and salt in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally. While boiling, cook 4 or 5 minutes, continuously stirring.
2. Remove saucepan from heat and stir in chocolate. WHen completely melted, stir in marshmallows.
3. With an electric beater, beat mixture until marshmallows are completely melted and incorporated throughout fudge. Add vanilla extract.
4. Pour over the Rice Krispy bars and spread evenly over them. Put the pan in the refrigerator for around 2 hours, until fudge is completely set. Cut into squares and eat!